January 21: Women’s March in Los Angeles
January 28: Pant Suit Dinner & Dance Party
Dear Friends,
First of all, I’d like to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving full of love & laughter.
After much contemplation, I have decided to share a very personal event with you.
I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will be having a mastectomy this coming Wednesday. Because of the lengthy recovery time after my surgery, I, sadly, have to cancel our Holiday Party scheduled for December 17th.
However, I have been able to secure the venue and DJ for Saturday, January 28th. So, we’ll be able to kick start the New Year together! And we have a fun theme planned…It’s a “Pant Suit” Party! Let’s celebrate Hillary, the first female presidential candidate ever! It’s historical and she has forever changed the landscape for women in politics. And after all, she did win the popular vote! Start shopping for your pant suit now — there will be prizes awarded in various categories!
I know we’re in for some scary times ahead. It will be more important than ever to share our courage and our faith in all who are traveling this rough road with us.
We have no choice but to continue to take the high road as we pull ourselves together…and together we will be stronger.
Speaking of together, I am coordinating a Women On A Roll contingency to the Women’s March in Los Angeles on Saturday, January 21st. I have been communicating with the organizers and will keep relaying information to you as I receive it. You can join them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/events
As I don’t currently have an assistant, I will not be as quick to respond to emails for several weeks. I will return all messages as soon as possible.
Remember when times get dark, those of us who still can, must exaggerate Light.
In Love & Unity,
Andrea Meyerson
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