Join us for the 21st
Women On A Roll Trip to Provincetown!
“Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!”
— Mae West
Important Updates:
After this year. we will be taking off our annual visit to Women’s Week in Provincetown for a while. If you have been waiting to join us, now is the time! We will offer the trip again eventually but it may be a few more years.
Also, because Virgin America is no longer in business and many of our guests are coming from different states, we will not be offering the group flight. We will still be offering the chartered bus from and the Boston Airport and Provincetown and will send out an email to all guests for recommended flight itineraries for arrival and departure times.
Fun Update: Spend the week with a Women’s Week Celebrity! Vicki Shaw will be our special guest and staying at our hotel!
You’ll have the entire week to get to know her during breakfast, wine & cheese hour, and late night conversations!
I have lesbian freedom case at US Supreme Court. Hope my future wife and I can be there. We were arrested at 1st Baptist Church in Aspen, Co. when they learned that we were not only Chi Omega sorority sisters but lovers! I was in jail awaiting trial for over 2 years on a $300,000.00 cash only bond, mandated by a old white biased and prejudiced judge James B. Boyd, 9th Judicial District. I need a lawyer to recover all losses and damages to my once successful career. See 17-7176 case at the Federal Circuit Court for the District of Columbia. Are there lawyers at Women’s Week that will give me strength?
Hi Jan,
I did not reject your comment. I would never do that! I have been having problems receiving emails from people who post here.
Good luck with your case and hope you can join us at Women’s Week in Provincetown!
Please feel free to contact me directly at
Thank you,
Andrea Meyerson